A Rogues Love Diary.

Rouges love Diary is a book full of twists and turns. The main protagonist of the story is Chandru and the story is setup in 1996. Chandru used to college with his two school mates earlier was in ICSE board and then he planned to join B.Com in this college. Here Chandru was addicted to one of his school mate Devi. They both had a very nice relationship since they were in school but sometimes things do not remain as it is it keep changing. One day unfortunately Devi abandoned him. Chandru was shattered into pieces. Then he decided to move on and he settledhimselfin Australia. But sometimes our past remains inside us. Years passed Chandru was doing good work but then one day his mind took to the past and he took out the photograph in which he and Devi was there he burned that photograph and felt a bit of relaxed after that. At this point I felt this scene used to take place in movies but the way the author had penned down the story I felt like watching it in vr.Thestoryline was fast...